
Thursday 28 March 2019

Leiite & Paschal - Explanation template

You are never too young to change the world. People across our country need to step up and become part of the difference in our world. The future of our environment is riding on the shoulders of today’s youth. Picking up rubbish. Picking up rubbish is good for the world. Littering causes the animals in the world to think rubbish is food mainly plastic. Sea animals like Sea turtle, Seabirds, fish, and Cetaceans. Chucking rubbish in the right bin. Chucking rubbish in the right rubbish bin is a great thing to do. Therefore it helps the environment getting polluted this causes our animals from dying as in sea animals and birds. Don’t just do it at school (Home, Streets) Don’t just pick up rubbish around your house you can also do it on the streets, parks, around the beach, and also around schools. Picking up rubbish not only helps the environment however it also helps the animals to be safe. Teach others (whanau, neighbours) You can also teach your family and neighbours. How to look after our environment. Also their environment. Conclion There you have it!. Four reasons why students need to respect our environment and become part of the solution.

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